Friday 26 May 2017

My Favourite Book and Film

I not would know say the things that are favourites for me, since never I have felt that sensation by something, but I will write about one of the books and films that I liked the most or called my attention.
"A Thousand Splendid Suns" from Khaled Hosseini, it was a book that marked me quite when I read it in the year 2014. I liked, because it's about many important topics that have occurred and are still occurring today in Afghanistan. The author, writes about abuse of woman mainly, the civil war in that country and war between countries, harassment, fear, distress and love. I recommended it, because is a book full emotions, with a good description of characters and events that when reading one suffers with the characters, also because leaves a feeling of emptiness or at least in my case.

Well, "The pursuit of happiness" from Gabriele Muccino inspired by the real history of Chris Gardner, is a movie that moves to all the viewers. The principal actors are Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith, that leave us a great teaching about life. I do not remember when I saw this movie, but I liked for the difficult history and exciting that living this father for look after to his son, since the mother abandoned them by economics problems. He does everything for to have a better job and finish his study, to give his son a better life.
I recommend this film, because is a movie that -as I said before- it leaves us a great teaching about life, that never we must not give up no matter the coming up problems in our way, and also, because it makes us reflect and appreciate what we have.

1 comment:

Changes To My Study Programme

Hello to you, you are reading this blogs! 🙋  On this occasion, I will write about the "changes in my study program".  Well, ...