Saturday 29 April 2017

My opinions in differents topics

What is your opinion about smart phones?
I like smart phones, they have many functions that make it to be incredible and needed to comunicate, enjoy, relax listening to music, among other things. 

What is your opinion about women in the military?
In my opinion women have the same right to do the same as men, provided they can do so, because it is true that there are jobs difficult and heavy for a woman, but it must always be the opportunuty to include them. We are different by nature, and in the case of the army men, women can contribute and help with them for the rest of the group (men).

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
They honestly dislike me, for the simple fact of their own minimum wage asjustments to sustain with the basics -the just and necesary- that everyone needs. I am sad they have to go to live. :'c

What is your opinion about violence on television?
I dislike this theme, because television is a mass medium in which everyone has access, from children to older adults, and teachings that are leaving -both positive and negative, and in this case the violence- others are learning them and put them into practice.

What is your opinion about fortune telling?
I don't believe in fortune telling, because oneself builds his own future and of all falls that one may have, choose continue or stay there itself.
I prefer of success.

What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
I think it is a good option of entertainment for people, especially for the housewife or the older women.
Soap operas on Chilean TV have great actors who do their work with passion, but it is also worth mentioning that not like everyone.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I'm not sure of this, but by the side of the natural medicine is a good option to alleviate many pain, and in terms of personal consumption is an option to relax, have fun and enjoy.
The legalization of marijuana would be good if people do so responsibly, and not exposed to very young children until scientifically prove that it is good for all.

What is your opinion about climate change?
Without a doubt climate change is harm caused by all people of the world, who do not worry about the space where they live all. Little by little the world is being destroyed, many animals lose their habitat and nature that gives us the basics for living, decreases quickly.
Must put our commitment to continue polluting, not chopping down tress, not allow the nature and all living in a healthy world.

What is your opinion about cloning?
In my opinion the clone is an incredible scientific discovery, while basically all scientific experiments are under testing of animals -and I am not saying that I am in favour of the damage to these-, they are for great purposes. Cloning could save the life many people if practiced on the damaged organs they need and and depend on a donor.

What is your opinion about recycling?
I strongly believe that it is a good way to not continue harming the world. For me it is an entertaining method to make crafts, because I think that I can recycle to be able to turn it into a gift or give it another use as well.
What is your opinion about "barras bravas"?
In my opinion the "barras bravas" are very passionate about the team you support, help ancourage players, give them the power to give everything on the pitch and the unconditional support against the results that have.
On what I disagree is when they are literally fierces, destroys whatever is in its path and fighting against fans of the opposing team. 

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
Believe that this rather than legalize it in all three cases, because a woman has the right to decide about their own bodies and if they have that they do not want to be mothers, who do not want to give your child a bad life, they can save the life.

Friday 21 April 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

As it says the title, I will write about my favorite piece of technology.
Commonly today most people revolve around to cellphone, they look like zombies, and yes, my favorite device of technology is this same.
When I was a child, I really enjoyed playing with my friends or classmates all day, until they began to viralize cellphones.
All my friends had cell phones except me, and when I was entering the 5th basic my father decided to give me one.
My only goal was that it had bluetooth to listen to music and play / - \
I lasted three years with my first cellphone, and when I had my second a man stole it to me soon afterward : '(
In high school I had the phone that has served me to this day.
I use Whatsapp frequently that is an addiction for me, because I talk to my family, my boyfriend, friends and new people the greater part of the day.
The cellphone is a fundamental piece in society, because it allows us to communicate mainly with people anywhere. I like by the functions varied that have how to send photos, videos, message, call people, download different applications or the more important the connectivity to the internet for do what previously mentioned etc.
I don't consider myself a person addicted totally to the phone or I look a like a zombie with him, because one of the things I hate is when face to face comunication is lost with other people by being with the cellphone all the time. I prefer always to speak, communicate face to face and pay attention of what they tell me also.
If the phone didn't exist, would not be lost parte fundamental of comunication mentioned above, but if you lose the easy access to many things on a single device.
I hope you are well.

Friday 14 April 2017

Why did you study your career?

Well, I don't want to be boring, but I will tell you about of my career.
When I were a little girl want study a veterinary career. Yes, it's the tipic desicion generally of the childs, but I liked, i liked take care of the animals and that were be happy for the life.
The years passed and my likes -as all people- changed.
In the high school i liked very much the chemistry, maths and biology, and for this reason I wanted choose a career that had some of these subject-matters. I decided study Odontology in the moment of applying to university. I chose this career because always i liked it to help and take care of people in what more I can. That's why when be with my title in my hands I wish I could to go to the rural sectors where there are not so many doctor in general and help to people with lower income.
However, I decided finally study the career Food Engineering, because I realized that Odontology it's not my thing and also is quite expensive. 
With this career I want achieve the same purpose, but with foods.
My experience at the university until now has been very good, I have met many good people and as well to teachers. In relation to study, It has become difficult for me and have had moment of frustation where the only thing I want is to go me.
My dreams until moment is have a job of lab, invent new foods that be good for people, but not a office job.
Now I look forward to know how the future will be.
I hope you are well.
Goodbye reader.

Friday 7 April 2017

Getting to know each other...

For you that these reading my blog hellooooo.
My name is María Fernanda and have three siblings. My sister and brother are twins and two years older that I and my other brother is three years younger. My father has eight siblings and my mother have three, so that my family in general is very very big.

My sister study Kinesiology in the Catholic University of Maule, but this year will carry out her practice in Santiago. My older brother study Industrial Civil Engineering in Curicó city in the University of Talca and my younger brother is in his last year of school.

I live in Cerrillos with my parents, siblings and my three dogs, Luna, Black and Black Junior -not is very creative the name-. I study Food Engineering and has been a career that I liked during these two years. Some of the things that I like to do are enjoy with persons that I want and be happy.
Well, this is a little part of my and here I end.
I hope you are well. 

Changes To My Study Programme

Hello to you, you are reading this blogs! 🙋  On this occasion, I will write about the "changes in my study program".  Well, ...